If the work of former Secretary of State, Martin Hirsch, made some stir, Bertrand Verfaillie’s book comes as a complement to the important missing section on media and information.
The notion of conflict of interest in the press and information is a current topic which the author explores in different dimensions : all types of relationships that could cause a conflict of interest are indeed addressed and are investigated and detailed by interviews.
To remedy this situation, the author not only requires the necessary use of ethical reference texts and presents the activist initiatives in support of their resolutions, but also offers some personal solutions such as a declarative system involving the responsibility of each one.
« A high-conception of information, sharpened professional consciences, practice to report the fact treatment to another journalist when you are implicated, ever more extensive and concrete ethical charters, statements of links when the needs’ arises … so many ways to attack and reduce the impact of conflicts of interest in journalism. »