The Journalists’ Societies and the notion of participation in the press enterprise
« Are we doomed to painfully oscillate between a system whereby workers are simple instruments in the enterprise which they belong to and another that would crush everyone, body and soul, in an odious, totalitarian and bureaucratic machinery?
No! The human, French and practical solution to this question that dominates everything is neither in the lowering of oneself nor in the servitude of others. The solution is in the proper and fruitful association of those who would put in common, within the same company, their work, their techniques or their property; those who would share openly as honest shareholders, the benefits and the risks.
Admittedly, this is not the way advocated by those who do not recognize that enhancing man’s dignity is not only a moral duty but also a condition of performance, nor by those who conceive the future as a termite mound. «
April 7, 1947, Charles de Gaulle