Booklets on journalistic ethics.
Only summaries available in english. The complete booklets (PDF version) are only in french.
Practice of the profession | Professional ethics
New paths for investigative journalism
by | 18 October 2014
Speed and haste have never been great allies for journalism. The increasing influence of the Internet and multiplication of broadcasting channels have made information flow a lot faster. News is broadcast as soon as possible and commentary delivered immediately. Newsrooms have to continuously do more, with less. This historical technical turning point questions the essence of journalism and its credibility: in this context, where can investigative journalism and reports written over long (...)
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Practice of the profession | Media and Democracy
The French, the media and journalists: trust no more…
by | 12 November 2013
My regional newspaper stopped publishing April fools’ pranks. The custom may well be extinct, because now it feels a lot less like a joke. For April fools’ to work, readers have to completely trust in their media’s competence, rigor and ethics. The tricked reader will only laugh at the joke with whoever pulled it, if they share a connection, a sort of pact. They need to be bonded, either consciously or instinctively, by (...)
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Practice of the profession
Multimedia journalism, multi-constraints or multi-challenges ?
by | 11 October 2012
« If the human mind likes surfing, it gets quickly tired of floating. Hence the recurrent question : are those new journalists « Shivas or not Shivas » -to use one of their many labels- ? Or even more, can we name them « sherpas » ? Not so simple, as the Hindu god they are ironically compared with : after all, the four arms of the Yogi are supposed to allow them to write, twitt, make a video, a sound, a photo, or animate a community! (...)
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Practice of the profession
Journalists and social networks, evolution or revolution?
by | 10 October 2012
« When it would be both improper and redundant to go back to the technical and economic press sector changes, a reflection on social networks is imposing questions about the practical implications in journalists’ daily work. In the same time, we need to interrogate implicit notions that were probably not so often examined, but also ethical aspects and renewed relations between journalists and sources, the public, partners and their own media. (...)
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Professional ethics
« Yours and mine »
Conflicts of interest in media information
by | 10 November 2011
If the work of former Secretary of State, Martin Hirsch, made some stir, Bertrand Verfaillie’s book comes as a complement to the important missing section on media and information. The notion of conflict of interest in the press and information is a current topic which the author explores in different dimensions : all types of relationships that could cause a conflict of interest are indeed addressed and are investigated and detailed by interviews. To remedy this situation, the author not (...)
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If obtaining the status of journalist has been a long struggle, this profession has finally won its legitimacy, and even a highly respected position. Was the team, which quickly became the editorial staff, a community from the beginning or only a group of individuals ? As a various and fluctuating profession, journalism has continued to change throughout its history. Today, new mutations have arisen; as the heart of these media enterprises changes into bi-media newsrooms, what happens with (...)
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Transmission of journalism
Journalism: The informal transmission of the know-how and the « know-being »
by | 24 November 2010
This booklet presents the informal aspect of learning the profession : the intergenerational transmission, the « home-made culture », the entrepreneurial spirit, the mentoring of elders … Accommodate young journalists on their arrival in a news-desk, assist them in appropriating values, fundamental ethical principals and acquiring the principles of their media…, is this transmission still appropriate and in what manners? « The time in which the media were concerned to form their staff with a (...)
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Journalism training
Journalism education around the world
North America-Brasil-China-Italy-Maghreb
by | 27 August 2009
The three booklets published in 2009 are dealing with journalism education : initial and continuing formation, the study of ethics and some examples of journalism formation provided in the world (this booklet). Journalism education in the five regions of the world here presented, illustrate the diversity of professional situations. North America have to face the challenge levelled to its media, which is to regain credibility. The Brazilian press’ pursuit of independence involves (...)
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Journalism training
On going ethics
Why and how to form journalists to professional ethics
by | 27 August 2009
The three booklets published in 2009 deals with journalism education: initial and continuing formation, the study of ethics (this booklet) and some examples of the formation provided in the world . Why training journalists with professional ethics ? Because it is constitutive of the profession’s identity. The ethical and deontological principles are the major « fundamentals rules » of the profession. How to train journalists with professional ethics ? An ideal is to start the formation (...)
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Journalism training
Press, to the board!
Journalism ecucation, journalists education
by | 26 August 2009
The three booklets published in 2009 deals with journalism education: initial and continuing formation (this booklet), the study of ethics and some examples of the formation provided in the world . Whether journalism was born in France with Theophraste Renaudot in the 17 th century, whether the practice of journalism has become a proper profession for several centuries, the idea that one can train and learn to be a journalist is much more recent. The first school opened in 1924 in Lille (...)
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The three booklets published in 2008 deals with journalism’s regulation, following the example of what Claude Jean Bertrand called « M.A.R.S » (Media Accountability and Responsability System). Press councils are regulatoring bodies which have been created to deal with the abuses and the most egregious violations to the journalists’ ethic code. The first one was founded in Sweden in 1916, today there are over a hundred in the world , but France is still refusing such an instance. Conveniently (...)
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Media regulation
Press Ombusmen
Did the press seeking for credibility found her Zorro?
by | 21 March 2008
The three booklets published in 2008 deals with journalism’s regulation, following the example of what Claude Jean Bertrand called « M.A.R.S » (Media Accountability and Responsability System). The function of mediator, which is a link between media and audience, appeared in 1913 under the name of « ombudsman » in the United States. Then comes the Japanese press which has developed this idea and we have to wait mid 1980s for it to appear in Europe. This Booklet raises the question of whether the (...)
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Media regulation
Do editorial offices have a soul?
Society of editors, society of journalists
by | 15 March 2008
The three booklets published in 2008 deals with journalism’s regulation, following the example of what Claude Jean Bertrand called « M.A.R.S » (Media Accountability and Responsability System). « Societies of Journalists » or « Societies of Editors » were established in France, after the Second World War and aimed at making the journalistical skills exists in an independent way, as money capital. Exclusively French organizations, at least under that appellation, the « Societies of Journalists » (...)
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