Shared views of academics and media professionals upon journalism.
Only summaries available in english. The complete booklets (PDF version) are only in french.
Professional ethics | Media and Democracy
Spaces for debate, mediation and régulation of journalism practices
by | 18 October 2014
Press ethics are debated in many different areas, and not always those one would expect. This diversification underlines the new and widespread emphasis on moral issues, an unusual trend in journalism till now. The rights and responsibilities of the press have often been discussed, but never before have so many different entities taken a stand on the issue. Some advocate for moral journalism, as if this should be enforced, imposed, like a responsibility. Others defend journalism’s (...)
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Practice of the profession | Professional ethics
The Journalists’ arbitration commission, a joint-consultation system
by | 5 November 2013
Every individual case handled by the arbitration commission is both commonplace and unique... The commission is often referred to for the same reasons, mainly cession, economic layoffs and misconduct. But behind this apparent simplicity are an infinity of specific cases and different careers. Particularly since the arbitration procedure has significant impact on both work contracts and joint consultation, and is therefore a crossroads where financial stakes, social relations within the (...)
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Professional ethics | Media and Democracy
The Journalists’ Societies and the notion of participation in the press enterprise
by | 2 November 2012
« Are we doomed to painfully oscillate between a system whereby workers are simple instruments in the enterprise which they belong to and another that would crush everyone, body and soul, in an odious, totalitarian and bureaucratic machinery? No! The human, French and practical solution to this question that dominates everything is neither in the lowering of oneself nor in the servitude of others. The solution is in the proper and fruitful association of those who would put in common, (...)
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